2017/18 tax year comes to an end

The 2017/18 tax year has now come to an end, with the new tax year beginning on 6th April 2018. This means it is now time to get your tax returns filed!

You should have received (or you will shortly receive) a notification to complete a Self Assessment Income Tax Return for the year ending 5 April 2018 from H M Revenue & Customs.  To enable us to complete your return, please bring us your personal records and information at the earliest opportunity.

The deadline for submitting your 2017/18 tax return, as well as paying any tax liabilities due, is 31st January 2019. This may seem like an eternity away, but it will soon sneak up on us.

The new tax year also sees new National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage rates come into place. To check that you or your employees are paid at or above minimum wage, check out HMRC’s minimum wage calculator:  https://www.gov.uk/am-i-getting-minimum-wage


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